What we can learn from Lot and Abraham


아브라함과 롯은 친척이면서 가족이었습니다. 타국에 이민 온 우리들의 가정처럼, 그들은 30년이 넘게, 수많은 고통과 어려움을 헤쳐온 가족이었으며 인생의 최고의 동료이자 친구였습니다. 그렇지만, 이들은 그들의 산업에 대한 비젼과 접근방법이 아주 달랐습니다. 그리고, 그들의 사고방식에 대해서 하나님이 축복하실 것이라는 생각도 아주 달랐습니다. 우리는 이들의 갈등과 헤어짐, 그리고, 그들의 결단들 속에서, 이 시대의 렘넌트 청년들이 배울 수 있는 교훈을 찾고, 우리의 젊은 인생을 최고의 삶으로 꾸려가도록, 하나님 앞에서의 마음을 정해야 하겠습니다.

Abraham and Lot are relatives and family. Just like we, who immigrated from the foreign country, they had live more than 30 years together and have overcome countless sufferings and crises. They are comrades and friends. However, they have different vision and approaches to their own buisness. And, their understandings about God’s blessing to their business and the way for it are different, too. We can learn from their conflicts and their decisions. Also, we are going to correct our hearts before God in order to make our lives best ever.

Scripture reading: Genesis 13-14.

My propostion from this Bible study is this: Be like Lot and Act like Abraham.



As the business of their family company grows, they face lacking of territory for their animals. Negeb literally means ‘south’ and has a lot of water and pastures in that terran. Bethel and Ai are distant from Negeb to north beside the Dead Sea. They are very crowded with animals for herding.  Naturally, there are so many tribes to live on by pasturing business like Abraham’s family. Some tribes grow faster and bigger, and eventually bacame city-nation. They all need more space. But, since Abraham’s family are not native to that area, they have to purchase a new land from the native tribe. This is very hard for them in competing against their rival companies. Nevertheless, they prospered.


The conflicts of leadership emerged from this time. Lot probably married and has his own parts of their family’s business. The prosperous business requires a kind of share (Gen. 13:2). And, it leads to a kind of leadership problems, just like most companies of this world.

1. Be diligent and perfect like Lot. But, be wise like Abraham.

The demand for the expansion of their business was urgent, but the the leader of the company and father of their family is still indecisive. Abraham should have to do something for the effecient operation but does not do anything.

What Abraham does is just praying without any vivid prayer topic.

Lot, the coworker and the next leader for Abraham are losing his patience. He is going to decide either to rebel and take over Abraham’s leadership with a new and young passion and vision, or to start off a new business by forgetting all of his efforts for 30 years.

but, Abraham is still not saying any word.


The Map at the time of Abraham and Lot
(Refer the city of sodom and gomorah, the international war)

Lot seems to be wise enough to read the currents of economical, political and geological status to come. He seeks to settle at a southern city and start a city business instead of stcok-farming, which is actually going down at that time due to development of trade.

Lot’s decision making is very logical: He chooses his settlement on the city of Sodom or Gomorah, because he looked for a sustainable water system, fertile soil for crops and safe infrastructures. Probably the price for living might be higher than his living cost now, but that may be paying off.



Who do you want to be in your group, Abraham or Lot? And, why?


The only characteristics which Abraham  actually has better than Lot are his love and care for his family and patient waiting for God’s answer. He may be wise because he went through so many dangers past time, but that might prevent him from prompt actions for the necessary requests in the family and business.


2. God’s late reply

God’s answer for your prayer always seems to late for your time. Lot probably prayed a lot for his decision, but God did not give any clue to Lot, nor to Abraham.

Then, we probably have to decide the decision by our own power and wisdom. And, we ascern that ‘from this time, God does not get in my decision because he misses the last bus.’ Lot also might have thought like that.

Abraham, contrarily, waits for God’s answer even though he is treated as slow as snail. And, he even defers his decision to his subordinate Lot: he let Lot to decide as what he is pleased.



Who do you want to resemble, Abraham or Lot?

In fact, the biblical teaching in this story is “Pray and wait like Abraham, and Act like Lot when there is no answer.” That means, even though you have to decide your way in waiting for God’s reply, you still have to trust your God and believe that you are struggling to follow God’s direction. Do not defer like Abraham. Act like Lot but do not doubt your God’s guidance even though ther is silence.


God answers for Abraham after their decisions.

God’s answer is reconfirmation for His previous promises: He promises a great tribe-nation, multitude of his people and dominating his field of business by glorifying his God.

it is sure that it is late. but, that might be a best and proper time for us.


3. God’s answer for unexpected future

Abraham is guided by God and moves to the mountains. The mountains may provide vast land but is vulnerable to bad climate, food and water shortage, difficult access to trade route and hardship in constructing city-nation.

He founds a tribal nation in that area without any policital and deplomatic allies. His town might not grow like other city-nations.

However, Abraham found a best place for prayers and seeking God’s plan.


Lot enjoys a city-life, abundant resources and hight level of lifestyle.

However, such advantage can change in the future without warning.

Even though Lot has so many good, he lses one: He lost a communication with God.

On the contrary, Abraham builds up a strong nation system: he raises a strong army (small numbers, though). He is not interfere with any other deplomatic changes and effects from outside.


Yes. All environments changes!

6 nations suddenly provoked a world war against a strong nation. Interestingly, the strong nation came from Mesophotamia, which is far north,  and struck all 6 nations. They capture all people of southern city-nations, including Lot’s family.

Lot suddenly gets into the turmole of world war and became a war victim.

More interestingly, even though Abraham’s habitat is located in the midst of their war route, Abraham does not get any harm. It is because they live in mountains. At that time, the war usually happen in the trade routes and plains, not in the mountains.

Abraham dispatched his army when hearing that Lot was captured. The 318 soldiers struck the expeditionary force of the northern Mesophotamia nation and captured all the possessions and people which they took from southern countires.

What a surprising reversal!



Are you at a certain handicapped situation? Did you pray and trust your God’s guidance? What do you respect from Abraham’s story?


4. What does realliy win?

First, only prayer wins. Only God’s guidance wins.

Second, your independence from this world and dependence on God wins.

Third, prepare what you can do at your situation. The time for reversal surely comes! (This is truth always)

Fourth, if your time comes, mostly that is challenging. Jump into the world and the field. You will save others as well as yourself.


5. After answers of prayer

Abraham does not forget praying for his next prayer (this is also very important! – prayer for your next prayer)

In his prayer and consistence of Being guided by God, he refuses to accept the bribe from Idol worshippers. He maintains his integrity in his prayer. Even though he might have used a lot of resources in that battle and really needs to refill for his country, he resists the temptation. Only prayers can do.

And, he give glory to God: he gave a tithe to the king of Melchizedek. He knows what is going to do.



What will be your action after the answer of prayer?

Education Pastor, Young Adults and College Group

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